Im not really sure- something about the metrosexual host of Amerian Idol makes me shudder and crawl under my blanket. Whether its his perfectly gelled hair or his tight T-shirts designed for teenagers, he just annoys me on so many different levels... Am I alone?!?!?
Well, I can't really judge on how scary a movie was generally, because, well, I'm afraid of EVERYTHING. But I can judge on consistancy. I liked the beginning of this movie, and it was creepy through the majority of the film. But there were just a few things that made me go: "Huh?" I am a really easy person to scare, and if you leave ME feeling safe and comfy during parts of your movie, you know you've done something wrong. I'm still afraid to go into my basement alone. *shudder*! Okay. An...
Okay, first example: The pepsi bottle challenge: One team came up with an idea for new pepsi edge bottle thats like in the shape of a globe... its so wide you can't even hold it with one hand!!! Its also really ugly; spattered with orange and light blue. Yuck! 2nd example: The Cucumber Melon Body Wash Commercial One team came up with a porn-like video. Where one cook takes a large cucumber and... fondles it with the other cook... then they leave the kitchen and head for the bedroom: to...
Well, It's tax time down here in IN, and all cars dealerships need to go to hell. This is the like month of crappy car tax liquidation sale commercials. Apparantly, tax time is bad for THEM, but good for US, because they need to get rid of all of their quality cars before the tax man comes. So COME ON DOWN to speedy Dan's, where no reasonable offer is turned down. I HATE THIS. Every five seconds there is another crappy car commercial. Anyone else in hell? Love and carjacking, LC
So folks: I have seen this movie twice; once with my brother, once with my friends. Can a cheesy romantic comedy really be good? I am not sure. I NEED HELP! Besides the little anticemitic stint in the speed-dating scene. Sry Will Smith, but I am determined to find a couple more flaws with this movie. PLEASE give me some input and throw some bad stuff into the ring. No movie can go without criticism, and unfortunatly I am not strong enough to criticize this movie by myself. Thanks for the he...
I love both of these shows very much. The stupidity of Homer Simpson is pure joy to watch, yet South Park.. well, it KICKS ASS Can anyone shed a little light onto the answer of this question? Once I get a good amount of posts, I'll reply with my opinion. GO! Post! Vote! -LC
Has anyone seen the Elixsure commercial? This is basically how it goes: The little kid is sick so he is crying like hell. The mom reaches over to feed him liquid medicine in a spoon, but he knocks it out of her hand and it spills on his shirt. In response to this, the mother says: "What do I do now? Do I wait? Do I give him more?" Maybe its just because I'm not a doctor or anything, but I wasn't aware that you could take medicine by having is SOAK THROUGH YOUR PORES. "Should I wait?????"...
I recently took one of my articles out of my blog because of the amount of negative feedback. This is my public explanation for the "harsh" themes in my blog. These are a list of some general assumptions and my explanations. "You insult hicks. You are a mean bitch"- So they say. My article was not intended to offend anyone. Also, not alot of you know this, but I am THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. I am a thirteen year old girl who started a blog for fun. Half of the people in my school are idiots. It i...
It gets kind of depressing. On one of my sick days, I found myself lying in bed facing a "Newlyweds" marathon with my remote far out of reach. It wasn't too bad when it started, but as I began to watch Jessica Simpson in designer outfit after outfit, my heart sank. I saw her recieve at least 15 pieces of jewlery with precious gems, and saw her strut her tight ass and big boobs all over the place. Lucky her. Somehow, I just don't get the concept- as if my life isn't interesting, ironic, and ...
MTV's "Room Raiders" is a pretty good show. I like to watch it when there is nothing else on TV. For those of you who have better things to do (You lucky dogs, you) than watch this show, then I will give a short synopsis: One hot person goes through three rooms that belong to people (their sexual preferance). They one of those three people for a date by searching through their rooms. They don't get to meet the person or see their face. It is fun to dig around and find porn and lube and erotic...
The hollister store in our mall scares the shit out of me. The outside of it looks like the entrance to a shack straight out of a Jimmy Buffet song. Plastic shackles and all. The "roof" is coated in Christmas lights year round. It looks like a hokey men's clothing store. Yet, the outside isn't the scariest thing about it; You walk in the wide entrace and there are two wicker chairs. Why? I have no fucking clue. Noone ever sits in them, they just sit there. Then, you get to choose a door. ...