After seeing Cursed last night, I've lost alot of faith in our dear friend Wes
Well, I can't really judge on how scary a movie was generally, because, well, I'm afraid of EVERYTHING. But I can judge on consistancy. I liked the beginning of this movie, and it was creepy through the majority of the film. But there were just a few things that made me go:
"Huh?" I am a really easy person to scare, and if you leave ME feeling safe and comfy during parts of your movie, you know you've done something wrong. I'm still afraid to go into my basement alone. *shudder*!
Okay. Animation. Its important, right? The special effects of the actual humans going all scary and turning into stuff was really amazing. The final image of the warewolf was not as phenomenal. It wasn't very creepy. The face looked rubbery and not the kinda thing that would scare me.
Second thing- let's me mature, Wes. A partial climax of the movie involved Christina Ricci kicking the ass of a female warewolf. To lure this In order to lure this warewolf out, she claims the woman who turned into wolfie has fat thighs and a bony ass. Oooh... then you see the warewolf come out of the window holding up... what? Her middle finger. C'mon, wes. I think we can get scarier than that.