This movie sucked ass. Let me tell you why.
Damn it. 6 dollars down the crapper. I want it back so, so, badly. No wait, the movie producers can have it. Maybe then they can hire a good script-writer. I sat through this whole entire movie and I cannot tell you anything about it. I was BORING AS HELL and it made no sense. At all.
I came in to the movie all ready with my buttery popcorn and my box of gummy worms. I sat down just as the movie started. It began with some man sitting in a chair, talking about Elecktra being dead, her being elusive, and how she almost killed him once. I was preparing myself for this whole story where she is chasing him and they had this big emotional past. But then she comes in and snaps his neck. Boo-frickety-hoo. Who the hell was this guy? It's lyk two minutes into the movie and I am already confused.
The rest of the movie should only take me a paragraph to describe: She goes and gets a house. She meets a girl. The meets the girl's father, that REALLY hot doctor from ER with the accent. Lyk French Africa or something. Frafrica. Anyway, they all have to run away from the Hand [Job]. The hand is some powerish force thing. So they all run away and then they discover that the girl has powers. Oooooh. Then, THEN, now this is the great part:
ELECKTRA AND HOT BlUE SPANDEX LADY KISS. Apparantly this blue woman can kill people with her kiss (do I smell a batman rip-off???). And so they kiss. For like 10 seconds. They just HAD to insert lebian action into the movie, whatever way they could cram it in.
Back to the crappiness. So then she and the girl have this fight to the death with this korean guy. And they kick ass; the girl with her snappy scarf and Elecktra with her long legs. And they win. Big fucking suprise. THE END.
Did that make any sense to you? It made no sense to me. At all. So please, please, don't spend anymore money on this piece of shit.