I hate alot of things. I bet you do, too. This site is me and all of my shit. Fun, eh?
Since so many people think I'm some commie bitch, this may explain something.... Im not a bitch- Let me tell you why
Published on February 4, 2005 By Liberal Carrot In Misc
I recently took one of my articles out of my blog because of the amount of negative feedback. This is my public explanation for the "harsh" themes in my blog. These are a list of some general assumptions and my explanations.

"You insult hicks. You are a mean bitch"- So they say. My article was not intended to offend anyone. Also, not alot of you know this, but I am THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. I am a thirteen year old girl who started a blog for fun. Half of the people in my school are idiots. It isn't because of their political beliefs, its just because they are dumb. My opinions are non-partisan. Some people responded to this as f I was making a statement against right-wing people, on behalf of liberals. Not that whatsoever.

"You only write about hating things. You are a mean bitch"- This is purely tongue in cheek fun. See? I like things... I like.. chocolate, and the color green, and I love "smartdeli tofu dogs". I am not doing this because I am pessemistic.

I will continue posting more fun articles, but if people really don't want me posting anymore, then they can respond to this post, and I will listen to public opinion.

If you want to chat, email me at liberalcarrot@yahoo.com

on Feb 04, 2005
What's up LC, I'm a Bible belt dwelling liberal godless commie. Keep on rocking. Cheers
on Feb 04, 2005
I love to hear that kind of stuff! I hope you keep reading my posts and.. enjoy!
on Feb 04, 2005
Moderate Liberal, but liberal all the same.

I like what you write, I too often feel like I'm surrounded by idiots...even in New Jersey (just a joke conservatives who think I'm insulting the South)
on Feb 04, 2005
Yeah, an article that isn't titled hate I remember thinking everyone in school was an idiot too, you'll get out of school soon enough and find other people to consider idiots. Or you can find a way to accept people for who they are, blemishes and all. Regardless, is your blog and I hope you have fun with it.
on Feb 04, 2005
I'm surprised that you're thirteen. I don't remember anybody being interested in politics at such a young age. Not that that's a bad thing. It's good to be interested in the future of the country.
Don't worry about what people have to say. Some people might not like it, but others will, and I'd much rather see your entries than some of the crap that people post.
on Feb 04, 2005
Hey LC,

Don't let them get to you. I'm an old lady who *you* would think is boring and so far I have laughed at every one of your articles. I missed the one you took off though so I really couldn't make a judgement about the comments on it.

Sometimes it's hard to recognize tongue-in-cheek humor especially in print. If you are writing humorous blogs you might want to pick the humor category...that way no one will get confused but that's up to you.